welcome back for the sixth edition of mike d’s MSPaint contest. It was a short contest this week, but once again the public put out their best effort.
The challenge was to draw a picture of One or Multiple Turkey Commandos overtaking a Pilgrim or Pilgrim Compound using only MSPaint. A bonus point is given to each of the participants who successfuly included:
1. the flag of england
2. a graphing calculator
3. waldo. of where’s waldo.
A few people showed the flag of the United Kingdom instead of England… but that’s okay. We’ll consider it a learning opportunity.
here are the entries!
Turkey 1
Ohhh… this is definitely how it would happen. oh the irony!
Bonus point? CHECK!
Turkey 2
Wow, please note the obvious effort that this artist put into the fence and background buildings. The action scene that follows this shot would surely be one for the history books.
Bonus point? CHECK!
**UPDATE** I didn’t realize it at first, but this is Buckingham Palace. Check it out.
Turkey 3
“they came from above!” Frighteningly realistic.
Bonus point? NEGATIVE!
Turkey 4
Classic! Turkey Kong!
Bonus point? CHECK!
Turkey 5
Turkey Instruments! Excellent!
Bonus point? NEGATIVE! (unless I’m just missing the flag)
Turkey 6
The tiny turkey in the center is hardcore.
Bonus point? CHECK!
Turkey 7
I’m glad we waited for this turkey. It’s a deadly one. Please note the vomitting pilgrim and the really stylish turkey boots.
Bonus point? Negative
Please vote for:
Most Artistic
Most Creative
Most Inane/Hilarity
and a bonus point for best use of Waldo
you can not vote for your own entry. enjoy!
I love them all, but I will wait on voting till turkey 7 is displayed.
I see waldo… but in order to get the bonus point the artist needed to include all three extras. Waldo and the Graphing calculator are obvious, I can’t find the English Flag.
I’ll hold judgement for turkey 7. My question is… why would turkeys use parachutes?
I would like to say my votes go to the following turkeys:
Most Artistic – Turkey 4
Most Creative – Turkey 5
Most Inane/Hilarity – Turkey 3
and a bonus point for best use of Waldo – Turkey 1 (He is burning!)
Most artistic: Turkey 1
Most creative: Turkey 4
Most inane/Hilarity: Turkey 1
Use of Waldo: Turkey 1
Most Artistic – Turkey 5
Most Creative – Turkey 4
Most Inane/Hilarity – Turkey 3… turkeys can fly, but they are using parachutes, it’s great
and a bonus point for best use of Waldo – Turkey 1
“A few people showed the flag of the United Kingdom instead of England… “
I’m glad you noticed, otherwise I would have had to get all pedantic ;)
Artisitc: 5 (This brings back memories; I used to program multiple choice Star Wars trivia quizzes on my graphic calulator in high school maths, and my friend actually made a Battlezone-style first person shooter)
Creative: 4 (excellent recreation and I love how the bonuses are included as, well, bonuses)
Inane/hilarity: 7
Mike D is yours no.6? It looks kinda mikey! lol
Most Artistic: 3
Most Creative: 5
Inane Bonus: 2
best use of waldo: 6
Most Artistic: 1
Most Creative: 5
Inane Bonus: 2
Best Use of Waldo: 1
Well, mine’s the best, but I can’t vote for it, so I’ll just have to vote for:
Artistic: 3
Creative: 4
Inane: 5
Waldo: 6
Artistic: #5
Creative: #5
Hilarity: #7
Waldo: #1