holy Paint

So far I’ve received five entries into the MSPaint contest for next week (Theme: A gigantic clown attacking dinosaurs). And I have to say, there’s really been a step up in effort from the last set.

The creativity and artful MSPainting that people have submitted so far has been extraoridinary. Thanks to all those who have submitted stuff so far.

In other news, I had the second class of my grad career last night. It’s very unusual. There’s a huge change in atmosphere between undergrad and graduate courses. Undergrad seemed forced. Graduate work seems more passionate. I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to see a group of students so interested in Engineering Mathematics. It’s very motivating. I hope it’s not just a phase that I will grow out of as I become more comfortable with the course.

26 thoughts on “holy Paint

  • 9/23/2005 at 7:23 am

    what year is the Acclaim to Fame? I”m just trying to compare the Acclaim to the Buick Diva.

  • 9/23/2005 at 7:27 am

    1991. Next year, I may hold a 15 year old birthday party for the lil’ guy.

    such a good machine that Acclaim.

  • 9/23/2005 at 7:37 am

    Oh. Cause the Diva will be 16 next year, Old enough to get her License.

  • 9/23/2005 at 7:45 am

    Your observations are quite true, MikeD.

    In undergrad, they’re like “here’s a concept, now do 50 of them for hw”. Where as in grad school, they’re like “here’s a couple of concepts that you’ll read in depth and get a better understanding of it, and then do a huge project.” I like grad school much better. Now, if I were taking just grad classes and this silly “job” thing didn’t get in the way, I’d be set. Hence why I’m slightly considering quitting work when I go to do my MBA and do it full time. We’ll see…

  • 9/23/2005 at 8:12 am


  • 9/23/2005 at 8:22 am

    Wow – my Volvo (Ted) turned 11 this year, and I thought I had the oldest car on the road! Now I’m amazed at all those acclaim stories.

  • 9/23/2005 at 8:23 am

    Arm update:
    No I haven’t had my elbows checked out. If the pain persists, I will have it checked.

    I have had this pain before, and typically it occurs when I’m getting back into climbing after an extended break. It will last for about two weeks then disappear.

    When most people think elbow pain they think constant and persistent. Mine is more momentary, lasting for 5-10 seconds as I perform some strange mantel or arm intensive reach while climbing. Upon resting, the pain stops, and as long as I don’t do work my arms intensely I have no pain.

    This means that usually if one of my elbows is acting funky, I can organize a climbing routine that puts no strain on it and coast through a work out without worries. If my elbows still hurt after two weeks of active climbing, I will see a professional.

    And yes, the Acclaim is awesome. The Diva may be a year older, but what does she have for miles? My acclaim is sporting a solid 167,000. And despite that weird sound which happens once in awhile and the loose shock bolt rear passenger side, she’s running healthy. I suspect I’ll take her to 200,000 before she’ll even mention retirement.

  • 9/23/2005 at 10:08 am

    What model is Ted? I’ve got a ’90 240DL.
    I can answer just about any question related to your 2.3L engine and all of its accessories, and most of your suspension, electrical, etc. systems. I’m not an expert quite yet, as there are guys who can name engine machining specs to .001″ by memory, but I know more than most, due to being poor and having a car that breaks every other day…

    To which I find myself infinitely jealous of the Fame’s good record of operation. Congrats Mike D, you lucky bastard.

  • 9/23/2005 at 10:11 am

    I have driven the Acclaim to Fame and I must say it is a sweet ride. I drove it from the rock gym to our commuter parking lot with no key in it, how sweet is that? Can anyone elses car compare to the function and reliability of the Acclaim?

  • 9/23/2005 at 10:56 am

    The Diva is so old, the Odomoter has broken. She has lasted 6 trips down and back from Atlanta. Her back speakers are unplugged since they result in a noise similar to a needle being dragged across a record. AND she has made the drive from Worcester, MA to Rochester, NY on one (1) tank of gas!!! 325 miles / 12 gal tank.
    27 MPG. Now thats fuel efficiency!

  • 9/23/2005 at 12:24 pm

    Tim, what you described sounds very much like my life, and I suggest it for you too. All grad school all the time FOR FIVE YEARS! And really, FOR LIFE!! Yep. It’s the road to academia, and i love it.

  • 9/23/2005 at 1:14 pm

    Oh man I could start my old car without the key, it was the best!

  • 9/23/2005 at 1:47 pm

    Oh Theresa, you charmer, you. I see your tricks unfolding.

    First you act all cute with me at graduation last year, helping me to make fun of your brother to his face (and behind his back, excessively), and helping me get my cap & gown all snazzy looking. Now you’re telling me that we live the exact same lives. Next you’ll be like “oh, Tim, don’t go to Harvard or Bentley for your MBA, come to Brown with me! hehe!”. Then you’ll suggest we be roomies, and buy a quant house near campus. And then we’ll be buying drapes and doillies at Linens & Things.

    I’m sorry, Theresa, this can never be. It would be too weird dating my best friends sister. Let’s put a stop to this before it begins. I’m more than happy with us just being ‘friends’.

    your friend,

  • 9/23/2005 at 2:23 pm


    I’m single. And I’m not your best friend’s sister.

    But I live in Washington. Bummer, huh?

    that guy who nobody really knows but comments,

  • 9/23/2005 at 4:18 pm

    Dear Theresa. I know Mike D, but am not really his friend…What a jerk!

    We can spite him together, via an illicit affair, chock full of naked mischief! Our clandestine meetings will be short, and ever-passionate; no time for small-talk while we flout the conventions of society, physically expressing our forbidden love!

    You’re the one who plays the flute, right?

    You don’t have to admit anything here, but we’ll meet in a dark parking garage wearing trenchcoats and sunglasses on a dark rainy night, and exchange our feelings free from the prying eyes of your bastard brother.

  • 9/23/2005 at 4:49 pm

    SANDER YOU TOOL!! There are three links up in MikeD’s friends list that our his sisters. Two of which are AliciaD. If you click on the link, the very first thing you see is a picture of Alicia DiDonato, HOLDING A FLUTE!!! DO SOME RESEARCH!!!

    ps : Alicia, me and shauna might come watch you play in Bean town at one of your future performances, since we live in the City. I’ll let you know if and when we can make it!

  • 9/23/2005 at 5:03 pm

    Sander – it’s a ’94 850 Sedan, front wheel drive. I just had the suspension fixed. Other than that it’s like driving a tank around, and I love it. I also know alot about Volvo’s. My dad has been taking me to just about every volvo convention since I was 8 years old. I’ve even been to the company museum. In Sweden.

    Here’s a picture of my dad’s garage with my car in the middle. The one on the right will probably be mine when Ted dies.

  • 9/23/2005 at 11:38 pm

    Dear Sander,
    You wouldn’t stand a chance with me.

    Dear Kurt,
    Alriiiight! That’s awesome! Can you come to the one Sunday night? I can get you discounted tix. Yay for you and Shauna!

    Dear Mike,
    Call the doctor now and make an appointment for two weeks from now, just in case you need it; otherwise, you’ll have to wait even longer for an appointment.
    Listen to your sister,

  • 9/24/2005 at 6:48 am

    Dear Alicia,
    Unfortunately we can’t go this sunday, as we are moving, but if people wanted to help us move then we might be able to make it.

    Keeping you in the Loop, Since they invented the Hula Hoop,

  • 9/24/2005 at 12:13 pm

    Alicia: Rats!
    Kurt: Yeah, I know which one she is. Was just kidding around.
    Becky: Those 850s are sweet. My dad had a wagon from around that time that I absolutely loved. Still want a V70R for my next car if I can find one.
    I know comparatively very little about the 5 cyl. models, but they are a nice engine, and it’s a good car.
    Volvo enthusiast, eh? Single?

    Jeez I sound desperate (what you all don’t know is that secretly Alicia has been calling me arranging a get-together, clothes optional. Snap!)

  • 9/24/2005 at 2:36 pm

    If you’re going to ask out 2 different girls on the same website, atleast do so in 2 seperate comment-threads.

    Let’s have a little class, geez.

  • 9/26/2005 at 10:16 pm

    What are you talking about Jon? Smoking? I don’t smoke.

    Maybe you got hit on the head by your banana tree when Rita round-housed it this weekend…

  • 9/28/2005 at 12:51 pm

    First of all, yeah. Class? Heeeell no.
    Second of all, here in Alabama the electrical subcontractors working at this mill go by the name of “Haymaker Electric.” I then realized that Roundhouse and Haymaker are the two coolest named fighting moves EVER, with the possibly exception of the Shoryuken.
    How come so many other moves have such lame names? For instance, “right cross” really just doesn’t capture the world of hurt it’s capable of putting on a guy. And “whirlwind kick” sounds like something a pixie would bust out if a gnome offended its momma, but in the human world it’s nothing short of innefectually titled, considering the high chance of spinal injury when it’s executed properly, i.e. by Chuck Norris.

    Rockin the run-on sentence,



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