Last night I slammed my fingers in a door at 10:30pm.

It was violent and there was a good amount of blood. The gash, or Avulsion as those in the medical field prefer to call it, was deep and the blood was ever flowing. I got back to the House of Rock and Jesse and Joel each commented on whether or not they thought I’d need stitches. It was decided that I probably wouldn’t.

At 12:15, however, the wound was still bleeding, and according to a website Jesse found, if a laceration doesn’t stop bleeding after 10 minutes with applied pressure, there’s a good possibility you’ll need stitches. So off we went to the hospital to see if stitching would be required.

The doc took some x-rays to see if I broke my finger, and then examined the wound to see if I needed stitches. I’m happy to say that both answers were good ones. No breakage, no stitches. The doctor informed me that Avulsions, or wide areas where the skin was torn away, will ooze and goo for numerous hours and then eventually scab up.

I got home at 3am, with a still throbbing finger and 75 bucks in the hole.

I got a picture of Jesse assisting my bloody hand in the bathroom. Not for the faint of heart, it’s an ugly site:

Blood Everywhere!

P.S. if you’re interested in doing a virtual oregon trail, please send me an e-mail at:
mikedidonato AT gmail DOT com

14 thoughts on “BLOOD EVERYWHERE!

  • 9/22/2005 at 10:07 am

    When did you guys put urinals in your bathrooms?

  • 9/22/2005 at 10:18 am

    I Totally want in on the virtual oregon trail. Can ther ebe more information on what it is?

  • 9/22/2005 at 10:19 am

    Sure, send me an e-mail and I’ll give you details.

  • 9/22/2005 at 10:26 am

    Wow. Good to hear that you’re ok. Since Alicia hasn’t asked yet, did you get your elbow checked out, too, while you were there?

    I ran in an orienteering meet out in the mountains in June, and I stumbled over some dead logs and punctured my palm on the sharp stub of a broken branch of a falled pine tree.

    According to your definition, it must have also been an avulsion. It bled for the rest of the race and my map from that one is covered in red.

    Three months later, I still have a scar there. I think it’s permanent. But then again, I never saw a doctor.

  • 9/22/2005 at 10:39 am

    The Urinals are a new addition. Real high class fixtures.

    Also, you can see from that photo, both Jesse and I have gained a little weight since the last time you saw us. Jesse’s also grown mosterous fangs and hideous claws.

  • 9/22/2005 at 10:40 am

    I think he looks good.

  • 9/22/2005 at 2:50 pm

    Did you get your elbows checked out?

  • 9/22/2005 at 4:50 pm

    Sucks man.
    The real judge of stitches is how deep the wound is, how pulled apart it is, what kind of blood vessel activity’s in the area, etc.. And you can only really judge that based on experience, of which I have much. I coulda told ya no problem.

    Glad you’re ok, sweetheart.

  • 9/22/2005 at 9:04 pm

    Wow Sander, I had no idea that you were an expert at everything.

  • 9/22/2005 at 9:49 pm

    He’s not a master at everything, just injuring himself.

  • 9/22/2005 at 10:32 pm

    Seriously Mike.

    I’m gonna end up sending a picture of me in hurricane winds with a sign saying “Mike: Did you get your elbow checked out?”

    Because you should.

  • 9/23/2005 at 10:01 am

    You know, almost everything I claim to be a master of is complete crap, but I do know my “am I going to need to go to the hospital for this?” basics. Maybe not expertly, but at least way more than most people, including some professional grizzly bear wrestlers and amateur knife thrower assistants.


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