This is the last of a series of four.
Artist commentary:
This actually looks nothing like Sander. But, that’s because I’m usually not the best at making people look like people. BUT, Butterfly Island Sunny Scent Apple Spice Pony is PERFECT. I’m very proud of her.
I hope that I did not disappoint anyone with my choice of drawings. I REALLY wanted to do Aarons, but my “teen wolf” was pathetic. Shaun’s first request was a bit too complicated, and Kurt’s WOW request was a bit too vague. I also tried to create Tim’s Rampage world, but it was too hard to make monsters appear solid and inanimate.
As for the ones I did? I couldn’t resist the My little Pony drawing. I’m a sucker for those little guys. Shaun’s salsa request was just quirky enough to work. and the walrus and penguins seemed to flow into each other nicely.
Excellent requests everyone! Though it’s hard to top this classic.
I will be back tomorrow! hopefully I won’t be too jet lagged to post about all the European excitements. I hope you enjoyed this week’s automatic posts! Thanks to everyone for playing!
My only skill is requesting MS Paint drawings.
I think you should have a weekly MS Paint contest… you name the theme and let everyone draw an entry and you judge, then draw your own that trounces them all.
Wow! Sander is the salsa man!
The true nature of the Delicate Flower is revealed.
Oh, and Ben, I would love to participate in such a contest – great idea…sign me up!
I think you underestimate your people drawing skills… The SammyG and the Mike ‘n’ Ikes video game proves that!
“No sir, I didn’t see you playing with your dolls again.” (An easy one for those of you running low on Ninja points)
I’m surprised Caitlin requested this. Not because it’s in any way unlike Caitlin, but rather that it reeks of Mike D.’s twisted imagination in which all of his roomates are secretly big losers.
Dude that MLP (My Little Pony (Equestrian Miniatures Fanclub 1337speak)) is possibly the most professional looking thing you’ve ever done in MSPaint. It’s amazing, simply amazing.
You even got her eyes right!
On a more masculine note, I do resemble Marv a lot, at least in my ability to withstand inhuman amounts of bodily harm without being injured seriously enough to stop rocking all the time.
I really hope there’s no such fanclub…
If it exists, there’s a fan club for it. I’d bet there’s one somewhere.
I’m a member of the Scott Baio fan club, but only because I respect him as a serious actor.
Mike, make this contest happen!
but he’s not smiling…
Spaceballs. How many ninja points do I get?
MikeD!!! Congrats!!! I just noticed!! YOU PASSED THE 500th POST THRESHHOLD! Can you give us some stats on How long has this site been running, yadda yadda yadda. CONGRATULATIONS MAN!!!!!!!
Kurt, how did you know that???
I’m a genius.
2 Ninja points, but I’ll throw in 2 more for recognizing this momentus event which ends in “00th post threshold.” Then lose one for thinking “threshold” has two h’s.
However you’ll still need about 500 more in order to break even, due to being so fat.
You know, I’m NOT smiling in that picture…But I think the lack of my usual grimace implies pleasure on some level.