Just the kind of e-mail an alum would love to recieve

I got the ultimate ego-boosting e-mail this morning from the current APO Fellowship Vice President (FVP). The FVP is in charge of all things fun within APO (a community service organization at WPI). I held the position for a short while and I’m excited to say that it seems the stories have been exaggerated into a mix of fact and myth. This was the letter I received:

hi Mike D!

So apparantly I took over your old position as FVP and you’ve become something like a legend. Mike D has become this mystical being who once brought fun to APO that has sorely been missing. If I hadn’t seen you in person I would picture you as a giant muscular man with purple hair and a yellow spandex super suit complete with red cape. You would have the power to make fun appear with the blink of an eye, only not like that girl from I Dream of Genie. It would be way cooler. Oh and you would have a green midget who followed you around and sang ballads of your tales. That’s how I would see it. But alas, I have heard tales of Iron Chef greatness, Inter-house pranking, and unmatchable MS paint presentations. Sadly, I am just too busy with MQP to come up with a rival to your Iron Chef and as for MS paint…. I rate as passable. But the real legend that has me writing to you is the infamous Wallyball. I have heard many a tale of this game, and noone really knows how it works anymore. It
has peaked my interest on my path of becoming a great FVP myself. If you happen to have a set of rules or instructions I would be forever greatful.


Seriously. that’s an awesome way to start your Friday.

Oh Mike D. your suit... its so yellow

14 thoughts on “Just the kind of e-mail an alum would love to recieve

  • 7/22/2005 at 7:45 am

    Oh man! We used to play wallyball in Alaska! It was awesome! There was this one gym-like place that had net attachment points in all of the racquetball courts. Since when I play vollyball, the ball inevitably goes in the exact opposite direction than I was aiming when I hit it, I was an unstoppable force of awesome on the wallyball court!

  • 7/22/2005 at 7:49 am

    The midget is the best part.

    AND, here’s just ANOTHER reminder for you to go to TV Food Network online and tell your tale of Iron Chef fun. You could win prizes!

  • 7/22/2005 at 8:40 am

    Wallyball is an interesting phenomenon. Several years ago, it swept accross the country, hitting different places at different times. Everybody played it pretty much the same way, and yet everybody you talked to made it sound like they either invented it, or it was a super-rare game that you’ve probably never heard of.
    In addition, the idea of adding a wall to a game is probably about as monumental as the first time somebody sliced bread, which also receives too much credit.

    I will not be watching Iron Chef, mostly because we don’t have TV.

  • 7/22/2005 at 9:19 am

    What are the rules for wallyball? I didn’t go lsat time, and had to cook some stupid house brownies. Showed them!

  • 7/22/2005 at 10:04 am

    ah, wallyball. reminds me of volleyball. reminds me of VUIG. and how she ain’t single. alas,

    you guys need to get into field crumpets.


    i figure since mike d. is trying all of these wacky sports in 2005…

    oh, when you super strengths are zooming around with your cape, how does the midget catch up?

  • 7/22/2005 at 10:17 am

    i played walleyball in high school. it was fun but always degenerated into someone kicking the ball while everyone else ran for cover as it bounced all around the raquetball court.

  • 7/22/2005 at 10:39 am

    Patrick, no offense to Field Crumpets, but, I think personally I’m more interested in extreme sports. things like climbing and kite boarding. Less of the team sports like soccor and/or crumpets. But I certainly appreciate the suggestion.

    As for rules Kurt? well, it’s essentially just volleyball with walls. Check out http://www.wallyball.com if you want specifics.

  • 7/22/2005 at 2:06 pm

    I RULE AT BOCCE!! Ask Ben. I can destroy any one any day of the week. Even an old italian man! And now thats saying something!

  • 7/22/2005 at 2:14 pm

    maybe the midget gets to ride in one of those motorcycle sidecar things, but it’s strapped to the side of Superhero Mike D.

    (i’ve never played bocce ball, but i probably would if VUIG played, in which case she’d be VUBIG. heck, she’s already VUOIG, and next week possibly VUOTIG.)

    ((seriously, how does someone flirt with me for two days, and not tell me she has a boyfriend?))

    (((even more seriously, i need to get me a ballad-singing midget!)))

  • 7/22/2005 at 2:52 pm

    I can concur that Kurt is pretty slick at bocce, for my first time i had some good throws. i ruled at tennis court bocce. and i didn’t break a single bocce ball.

    mike d! do you have a yard? can we have a bocce tournament in it? there’s a place on my complex i could swing it too, i suppose.

  • 7/22/2005 at 3:56 pm

    Wow, Patrick, you sure are bitter. Not that I blame you.

  • 7/22/2005 at 8:44 pm

    If that’s bitter, I must be operating at some level that, were it the actual taste of bitter, would transform your face into a black hole.

    Dude, at least she flirted with you. Getting let down is always easier if you at least had a couple days to be excited, whereas typically my level of contempt with most women just gets bigger and bigger without even any mediocre inbetween time.

    Every time you mention VUIG, I imagine that being her real name, and picture an Indian girl, and that’s kinda wierd, as I don’t see her playing volleyball very well (exactly what limits my imagination from allowing Indian people (Pakistanis also, I think) from being good at volleyball will remain a mystery for the ages).

    I should charge admition for looking through a window into my mind, in a booth next to horror movies, with some sort of “you’ll beg me to make the hurting and the screaming stop or your money back!” guarantee.

    In conclusion: Maybe bitterness lies on some sort of logarithmic scale?

  • 7/22/2005 at 9:27 pm

    Sander officially makes me look like I have a freaking sunny disposition.


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