My taxes are done! Praise the Lord! And, I’m happy to say, I will be on the receiving end of a plump refund check. Presuming that I did everything correctly.
All else is average. I’m working hard to complete a couple projects at work and I’m planning on running the Boston Marathon on Monday.
and I had a really crazy dream last night that involved helicopters pulling a HUGE american flag out of a pond… but I don’t remember anything else.
Jill sent me this, it’s humor in its finest form. Though the multiple camera angles makes me a little hesitant to believe that it wasn’t staged.
Michael Michael Michael…
I learned a few days ago that this is the work of a film sketch comedy group from Columbia University.
DARN IT! I’m always a few days behind you!
First the David Hasselhoff Ipod… now this. All too frequently, I make myself a fool for not following every link that you recommend on your website.
I suppose I could stop pointing it out but you’re making it so entertaining!
No. complete humiliation is the best form of education.
You need to learn to e-file your taxes, I’ve had my plump refund check for over a month now. :)
…and there’s a David Hasselhoff Ipod????? Where can I get a piece of that hunk?
I completed my taxes online… and found out that I had to pay $0. And my refund was $0. All that work for nothing.
Oh sure.
It went for $265 on the ebay.