climbing for cash

I’m thinking about talking to the rock climbing gym manager guy to see if they need any extra workers on weekends.

Pluses & Minuses

PLUS! I think they do need extra people on the weekends
PLUS! working at a rockclimbing gym would instantly increase my coolness by 2 points
MINUS! Work already takes a huge amount of time and is obviously my first priority. Would I have time for rock responsibilities?
MINUS! I would hate for this job to intefere with my Jill visits
MINUS! I would also hate for this job to intefere with future band gigs
PLUS! workers get free membership, thus providing a potential for HUGE savings (upwards of $700 a year)
PLUS! I love rockclimbing so much

those are my thoughts.

5 thoughts on “climbing for cash

  • 3/22/2005 at 3:22 pm

    Don’t forget the little kids you need to deal with a huge minus.

  • 3/22/2005 at 4:01 pm

    Plus: Maybe you’d get a free t-shirt!! :)
    Minus: Maybe it’d interfer with your running :(

  • 3/22/2005 at 4:26 pm

    ahh but Kurt, the ‘little kid’ facility is in an entirely different building with different workers. So I think I would be free from children. As for the free T-shirt? that’s a definite. The running, unlikely I think

  • 3/22/2005 at 5:29 pm

    You need to assign relative weights to each of the PLUS! and MINUS! statements.

    For example, at one point during my senior year, I considered working the late shift (5pm – 3am) at the local 24-hour convenience store. The following conversation occurred:

    Shaun: I’ve been thinking about working the late shift at Store24.
    Jon O: But Jen would KILL you!
    Shaun: Oh right.

    Needless to say, I didn’t do it.

    The question is, would Jill KILL you?

  • 3/23/2005 at 8:21 am

    That goes with a strong strong PLUS! on the killing factor.


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