
I’m back from Georgia! My flight was delayed numerous times, and I have a new loathing of airports.

I’m glad to be home. specifically, I’m glad to be able to return to a regular weekly schedule. It’ll be nice to get back into climbing, home improving, and rocking. Needless to say, I need some good rocking. ‘The incident’(see previous post) was a major blow to my manhood and I need to regain my previous level of cool. I will do so by listening to Jimmy Hendrix nonstop for the next 96 hours while eating hot dogs and beans, pumping iron, watching basketball, and flossing my teeth with a power saw.

I’ll probably take the pink flower out of my hair too and put on some jeans instead of this yellow ‘country girl’ dress.

I have taken a severe blow on the WPTopsite site. I suspect this is also a result of ‘the incident’. So after you feel comfortable that I have returned to the same level of awesome as before, hit the icon in the upper right and vote your soul away. There’s a title that needs to be regained. As soon as finds its way to the top again, I will throw up a new exciting MSPaint banner.

6 thoughts on “back!

  • 3/17/2005 at 7:48 am

    “I will throw up a new exciting MSPaint banner.”

    Eww, vomit! Nobody likes vomit!

  • 3/17/2005 at 9:31 am

    I concur Shaunicus McQuadicus.

  • 3/17/2005 at 9:54 am

    ha ha. This could result in a very humerous MSPaint drawing.

  • 3/17/2005 at 9:55 am

    I’d only vote for you if your banner was cooler than the “eye peeking through the hole” that is Asymptomatic’s banner!!

  • 3/17/2005 at 9:59 am

    there is a fine line between cool and creepy. I think the eye banner on that site may cross that line. If I can manage something similar in MSPaint, I assure you I will do so.

  • 3/17/2005 at 9:01 pm

    Yeah! Mike D is El Numero Uno yet again!


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