“welcome to your first nightmare job.” my co-worker
Today has been brutal. 6am-late with no lunch and stress like never before!
the good news is that I am ROCKING this thang.
(p.s. click on the stats button and leave a review, the ones that are there are hilarious- “show all reviews” gives you the full list)
I want to hold on to #5. I don’t want to climb any higher unless I have to but Geek Ramblings has their eye on my spot. I can sense it.
hi mike! I was just reading your blog and I thought “gee I never leave mike any comments, jon abad gets all my comment love” so here ya go. hope life is treatin’ ya well, drop me a line sometime.
Thanks for the comment! Life’s been treating me okay. Work’s been near death, but besides that everything is pretty spectacular.
I hope you comment in the future. it’s always a pleasure to receive a little internet lovin’ from my friends.
I’m on WPI Campus, cause I was in the area, and I am eating two free sandwiches from a deli platter that SGA had. Delicious delicious free sandwiches. MMM-MMM Good.
Kurt when are you going to get your own blog instead of having to use Mike’s comment section all the time?
Why? I have MikeD’s Comment section to post all the usless stuff. And plus, who wants to hear about how I cleaned the kitchen for the 4th time this week. Not me thats for sure.
Well, If you had your own blog, then I could go there to tell you you suck!
what kind of sandwiches were they?
We had free eats at Thermatool today too! ha! There were lots of meat sandwiches, which I avoided because of Lent, they also had TONS of deserts, which I avoided because of Lent. But let me tell you. I ate TONS of free pineapple, grapes, and watermelon. bing! a successful day indeed.
I had a turkey, ham, roast beef, turkey, ham, roast beef, with swiss, american , swiss, and american cheeses. and a can of Coke. It was mighty tasty, and delicious. Have fun in Kentucky.