Indian co-worker Vishal: we also add a type of nut. it’s sweet.
mike d: cashew?
V: nope. definitely not a cashew.
coworker Galecki: you sure it’s a nut?
V: yes. it’s a nut. it’s sweet and a bit soft on the inside
mike d: almond? pecan? you’re sure it’s a nut?
V: it’s a nut, I don’t remember the word for it
Galecki: walnut?
V: no. it has a liquid on the inside.
mike d: Liquid on the inside?!?
coworker Pam: Coconut?!
V: no. it’s not a coconut. I’ll show you a picture later you can tell me the word for it.
mike d: you sure it’s a nut? if you show us a picture of broccoli I’m going to rag on you to no end.
V: ::laughs:: yes. I’m sure it’s a nut. it’s sweet and soft on the inside.
Galecki: and it’s not a cashew? cashews are kind of sweet and put into lots of foods.
V: no, it’s not a cashew.
mike d: peanut?
V: no…
Pam: wait… a raisin?
V: Yes. that’s it. It’s a raisin.
mike d: V, that’s not a nut. it’s a dried fruit.
V: yes, dried fruit.
stunned silence.
mike d: you know that raisins are dried grapes.
V: yes I knew that.
V: oh wait, no I didn’t know that.
We deal with this every single day.
Is there a prize for second place in the pumpkin contest?
Half way through that story I could have sworn that you were going to conclude with Cadbury Cream Eggs. Those things are awesome.
ha ha, that would have been overly perfect. Ahh the joys of cadbury.