When I sneeze, I sneeze twice. In succession. I call it the double barrel sneeze.
It’s a strange phenomenon. I don’t know why it happens. but it does.
I’ve never met anyone else with the same weird condition.
- now with more microsoft paint!
- My rice cooker.
i hate sneezing. it’s one of the most awkward things ever invented.
Well, Kurt sneezes at least 4 times in a row, i usually waited 30 seconds before the first one to say god bless.
I also sneeze twice! But not double-barreled. It’s a sequence, with a pause of a few seconds. And it could be the first in a massive succession of sneezes. Weird.
I always sneeze three times in a row in rapid succession. It scares small children and animals. Maybe it’s genetic. How do mom and dad sneeze? and hey, can you come to my birthday dinner and/or the crazy halloween party? (note to all mike d. blog readers: you are all invited to the crazy halloween party)
I knew someone who would always sneeze a prime number. Never failed.
Jon is correct but a little off. I usually sneeze about 5-6 times, but my record has been 13 consecutive sneezes. Now you haven’t lived till you have forcefully ejected every single last ounce of air out of your lungs then felt like you were going to implode to the vacuum that you have created in your body cavity. give it a try sometime. Its invigorating.