
I’m back in Connecticut! Here’s what I miss from Portland.

Coffee everywhere.
The trips for coffee were really fun. It was like a constant social sunburn. Mochas galore, date bars, chocolate morsels of unmatchable deliciousness, and oh! what a social network! I swear there’s probably more youth traffic through a single Portland coffee shop than through all of Connecticut (Oregon has 22% more 25-35 yr olds than CT).

In addition to the rampant popularity of skirts, the colors of Portland were very Vivienne. Fun bright clothes and awesome fashion statements. Way to go Portland!

Constant adventure.
My days were so tightly packed with thrills. I don’t think there was a moment of my trip when I wasn’t excited about something awesome. Halfway through my Portland adventure I decided that I should really step it up in CT; bring more fun into my daily life. But then I realized that school is adding a pretty significant ‘c’ coefficient into my equation of fun-motion:
mx” + cx’ + kx = Fun(t)sin(wt)

So perhaps I’ll hold off a bit on any more fun packing until February. Come March though? Look the heck out. I’m going to ramp up the umph.

Portland is a walkable city. Most of our transportation for the week was via our feet. An unexpected bonus of this method of getting around is that it notably de-stresses you. Walking forces you to leave a little early and creates tiny spaces in your day to collect your thoughts and restart the proverbial servers. It’s so relaxing. I walked more in a single day in Portland than I did in a month here in CT.

Alicia, Dwane, and Sarah!
I love my sister. She is awesome. We made SICK garage band tunes together* and had crazy fun walking around the farmer’s market and making dinners. Portland $7 Pesto? Find it and eat it. Dwane and I went to watch Alicia perform with the Oregon Symphony. Daaaang Alicia was good. She and the other flute started with a little duet thing and it was freakin’ absurd. At the end of the piece the conductor came out and had Alicia and her flute playing counterpart stand in acknowledgment to their sweet performance. Wow.

Dwane, Alicia, and Sarah

It was neat to hang out with Dwane too. Despite my sister’s December ’07 marriage to the Dwanester, I hadn’t actually spent much solo time with him prior to this trip. We were able to talk about work and life quite a bit during our hike around multnomah falls and again as we waited for the Oregon symphony to get cranking. It was really chill. Dwane is wonderful. He has a really fantastic sense of humor and is extremely sharp. On a tour of a submarine he had a discussion with the officer about the method of propulsion for torpedos. Awesome? yes.
I’m very glad he’s part of the Family.

I also got to spend some time with Sarah and despite her ability to effortlessly outsmart me at every Mindbending puzzle at the OMSI**, she was a great addition to the Portland experience. We hit up Powell books, Forrest park, and Henry Weinhard’s brewery (home of my favorite rootbeer!). If you could somehow caffeinate a firecracker you’d get close to Sarah’s addictive personality. So much fun.

I will definitely be going back to Portland. It was too epic of a place to only visit once.

*Check out the garage band creation BIRTH OF SOLITUDE here:

**Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (thanks Michelle & Thor for the free tickets!!)

Travel Experience.

Friends, I’ve left Portland, OR. I’ll be posting more pictures of the trip and stories of Karaoke in the near future. The day of departure was a very sad day. But in the meantime…

My travels led me to experience a few of the most exciting travel experiences a traveler can experience.*

Let’s take a look at these travel highlights.

1. A red-eye flight with a seat next to a woman with a chaordic elbow.

It was remarkable. With undeniable regularity, just as I began to fall asleep a random elbow would fly out and bash me in the ribs, or the arm, or the face. well, not the face. But certainly the rest of those places.

2. Shockingly inconsistent hotel shower temperature adjustment

My fingers actually went prune before I got the water to an acceptable temperature. I’d try to coax the hot water to be more of a team player and then BANG! HOT ROASTING STEAM BURNING FIRE BUCKETS!

3. Ohio is a black hole of captivity!

I thought I’d be coming home Wednesday night. Now it’s looking like Thursday night, or Friday day is more likely. This is a bummer. Especially because this weekend leaves little to look forward to. In fact I might go so far as to suggest that next weekend will be the opposite of this past weekend. Instead of amazing music, fun people, delicious food, and relaxation there will be midterms, homework, papers, final exams, and class. A lot of class. and okay… maybe a little bedazzling. I ordered a bedazzler to create the Fibonacci Sequins t-shirt. Hmm. maybe the weekend will find redemption yet. Cross your fingers.

*best sentence ever?

Weekend Update

After the mayhem of last week’s classes, the weekend was truly a welcome relief. Friday night I zipped home after class for Saturday’s big event. That big event being Jon Abad and Emily Abad’s wedding party. It was well attended and the crowd was wonderful. It’s always a joy hanging out with the WPI folks. Kurt was wearing his snazzy new hat, Tim and Ian had their snazzy new motorcycles, and Jon had his snazzy new wife. Congrats Jon!

That night I spent some time with my folks and grabbed dinner with Chef Sarah. And then stayed up too late playing fantastic contraption. (WARNING: DO NOT PLAY. EVER.)

On Sunday I drove back to CT. Around three I went to Vivienne’s place. We baked cupcakes, watched IRON MAN, and then ate some Indian food. Vivienne’s kitchen… gad zooks. It was disgustingly well stocked. The kitchen is graced with two fridges and three freezers, all bursting with fullness. There were cupboards everywhere full of both common and completely uncommon foodstuffs. A truly remarkable place.

And all that leads up to this morning. I’m sitting at Bradley airport waiting for my plane to start loading (6am departure). For whatever reason, the airport is playing polka music. Adding polka to an already draining scenario, like travel, is really pretty strange. It’s kind of like a weird Disney movie.


This past weekend was absurdly classful. Thursday night 6-9pm, Friday night 5:30-9:30, Saturday 8-5. Following those 16 hours of class I spent my Sunday breathing a bit.

Vibrations is that sneaky class that the University of New Haven surprisingly forced upon me. I attended on Thursday (having missed the first two classes) and quickly learned that we have a quiz next week. This will add to the mayhem of this first week of October.

I did get a little fun time this weekend. Saturday night I hung out with Darcy and Schuyler which is always fun. Darcy and I played scrabble. She won. Then we ate delicious foods.

Sunday, I hit up the climbing gym with Irene and also watched the first two episodes of Dexter – a showtime series about a serial killer who kills serial killers. It’s a pretty well put together television show. I approve.

Looking ahead, this week will be a bit more stressful than usual with the looming quiz on Thursday and a moderate sized presentation on Friday.

I’m going to have to get a big cup of coffee at work this morning.