
“In Economics they say there’s no such thing as a free lunch. But sometimes you may not realize you have a lunch. or you’re throwing your lunch away. When you can reclaim that lunch… it looks and feels a lot like a free lunch.”

Jim Stodder

A midterm

Last night I had a midterm in my Heat Convection class.

It went… okay. Hardly flawless, but not nearly as bad as I had originally expected. This tough exam comes alongside two great pieces of news.

1. it looks like I’ll be able to get credit for two of my MBA classes as ‘elective’ courses for the M.S.

This is awesome because I thought i could only get one. A bonus class would be SWEET. If that goes through we will have the following school completion levels.


2. Pete and I may be able to do a project for the engineering degree. That means I could be done as early as MARCH. MARCH!

that would be bliss. I can’t wait.

I don’t enjoy putting rock on hold. Especially for Heat Convection.

Studying is brutal when you don’t have a deep sense of passion for the content.

I’m really not digging my Heat Convection class. It’s too theoretical and doesn’t apply (at this level) to anything I do at work. I’m taking it to fulfill an elective requirement for the master’s in science and I’m just not happy with the subject. The only thing that amazes me about Heat Convection is that someone had the enthusiasm to figure all this stuff out in the first place.

This makes studying for this week’s midterm particularly trying. Especially with the everest of guitars quietly calling out to me from within its plush hard case.