Pam loves sports.

A few weeks ago my ex-co-worker Pam visited the House of Rock. We caught up and talked a lot about our current jobs.

Pam, it turns out, signed up for her company’s golf group. They leave early one day each week to play golf.

Our conversation went something like this:

Mike D: do you KNOW how to play golf?
Pam: I’m learning!
Mike D: wow, that’s really good.
Pam: I know, and since all of the managers and execs play I get to socialize with them
Mike D: I can’t believe you play golf
Pam: Neither can I!

… pause …


she is especially proud of her shoes

Soooo Cute!


a co-worker just told me a story

My daughter went to Taiwan, and while she was strolling with another female friend along the docks (They were both about 21 at the time) a gentleman came up to them and offered to take them on a tour of the whole harbor.

So they went. And at the completion of the tour he brought them almost back to the docks and told them

“okay, that will be 100 U.S. dollars”.
So my daughter said “we’re not paying that!”
and he replied “well, then I don’t let you off the boat!”
“Fine!” she said, “We’ll stay on your boat!” and sat down making herself comfortable.

The guy was completely confused. he didn’t know what to do. Eventually he offered to take 10 dollars. They accepted and he brought them back to the dock.

How perfectly smart!

good friends

mike d: uggghhhhh
Sander: What’s wrong buddy?
mike d: well… I just tried to move my desk, and it’s in an awkward spot so I can’t do it very well. So I mostly just kind of moved it in the wrong direction.


and… I also dropped my fork so I can’t eat more food.

Sander: Ahhh, there it is. I knew something was really bothering you.