Some awesome band names I thought of on the way to work:
—–The Outliers—–
—–The Productive—–
—–Fallen Fruit—–
—–Powers of Three—–
my corner of nowhere particular
Some awesome band names I thought of on the way to work:
—–The Outliers—–
—–The Productive—–
—–Fallen Fruit—–
—–Powers of Three—–
I particularly like the second one, and think it could kick off a new trend in band-naming not seen since the “common word and a number” effect in the late 90’s. A “The” + adjective band name is traditional, and yet innovative. Bravo. Think of what the copycats would be:
The Lazy
The Brown
The Undecided
I’d say stay away from “the outliers”. Statistically speaking, you wouldn’t matter.
Very true. Now I’m having flashbacks to that awful Prob and Stats course. I hated that course.
“The” bands are sooo 2005, man.
First CD titles for those bands:
Statistically unimportant
Making progress like none other
Uneaten… rotten.
27 and 9
If you read Dave Barry regularly, you’ll have all the band names you need.
Other suggestions:
-Kenmore and the Fridge Monsters
-Mike D. and the Seriously Jesse’s Going to Eat One Of Us During Intermission