#9: The Life and Times of Peanuts

The Question

Dear Shaun

I have a bag of peanuts (with shells) that has been sitting on my desk since the end of august. How long are they good for?? What are the signs that they could be bad??

Comment by Pam — 9/29/2004 @ 12:10 pm

The Answer

Since they are in the shell, you are in a good place. What really matters is if they are roasted or raw. If they are roasted, you’ve got about 2-3 months until they acquire a will of their own and start to make their presence felt. If they are raw (and I swear I’m not making this up) they can last “indefinitely”. Meaning that raw peanuts have achieved the goal of immortality that mortal man can only dream of. Seriously.

One thought on “#9: The Life and Times of Peanuts

  • 10/26/2004 at 4:15 pm

    It’s True! I just went over to her cube and ate about a dozen of the peanuts.


    bravo shaun mcQuaid.


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