The Year of Health

The Year of Health

Fittingly, for New Years I decided to make 2020 a year of health initiatives and health goals. Of course with the pandemic, health has been front and center in everyone’s mind, but either way it was a good goal.

As we approach halfway through the year, I have to say I’m pleased with my progress.


  1. I have maintained a weight training exercise habit
  2. I haven’t missed a single day of flossing and morning teeth care is now part of the routine
  3. I have given up discretionary sugar (no dessert or brown sugar on my oatmeal, but I’ll still eat a slice of banana bread)
  4. I am following a prescribed sleep program
  5. I have maintained a meditation practice

Not Yet Successes

  1. I built a solid cardio routine at the company gym, but this dropped with Covid. I have to bring cardio back
  2. I have tried a preliminary autophagy fast (24hrs), but I want to make higher level fasting (72 hrs) part of a monthly program
  3. I’d like to get a more scientific grasp of my eating. Starting a food log and seeing a nutritionist are on the list
  4. My exercise routine is self-developed. Perhaps enlisting the help of a physical therapist or personal trainer would be wise, especially as it relates to the annoyance that is my Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  5. Water consumption has been good, but I’d like to be more deliberate. Right now I drink 2-3 liters a day, more definition is needed

Has anyone out there executed some unique healthy habits that they care to share? I’m eager to optimize!

4 thoughts on “The Year of Health

  • 6/12/2020 at 1:47 pm

    Update: writing this post gave me the motivation to call the Nutritionist and start the food log. Making things happen! BAM!

    • 6/16/2020 at 5:35 am

      Regarding the food log, I had success with the Lose It app. Has a good database of existing things and let’s you make your own items too.

      • 6/16/2020 at 9:37 am

        Jen recommended the Lose it App too. I reached out to the nutritionist and they recommended: Carb Manager and My Fitness Pal.

        I’ll play around and report back.

  • 6/22/2020 at 9:27 am

    Very curious about your experiences with fasting, and what sort of physical and mental impacts you experienced (both positive and negative).


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