
Things are very busy, but I have some worthy life updates for the site.

My work title has changed. No longer Marketing Manager, I am now Manager of Business Development. I think this was a sneaky way for my company to make it so that I couldn’t just abandon my engineering work of the past (darn it!). But with the extra engineering comes a little more clout; it turns out customers are hesitant to believe the sincere (Totally Sincere! I promise!) words of a marketing manager.

In light of the extreme hours I’ve been putting into work, and expected continuation of this business onslaught, I have spoken to my Kung Fu Sifu and ceased my training. Hopefully this is temporary, but I think more likely this is just another life transition. I still plan on participating in classes and events once in awhile when I can but I want to take the time I have and dedicate it to my career and my music.

That’s all for now. I’m headed to Detroit today for work. Stay tuned for Detroit-y updates.

5 thoughts on “Travel!

  • 3/28/2011 at 12:47 pm

    I think a good Detroit update will be if you make it out of Detroit alive.

  • 3/28/2011 at 7:58 pm

    Make sure to make a follow up visit once the Robocop statue goes up!

  • 3/29/2011 at 11:40 pm

    Folks? Let’s be real here – they’re nerds. To clarify, by “nerds” I don’t mean “people who watch the SyFy Channel” – I mean “anybody who thinks Robocop was a good idea.”
    Just another proof for Universal Axiom 56: Those with the agenda and motivation to raise money will ever do so for something worthwhile to society.


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