A Book Resource

I am in the midst of the book Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell.

half-way review: Whoa.

For those of you who have read House of Leaves, I urge you to also consider picking up this book. Alicia recommended it to me.

Alicia has an uncanny ability to read and perfectly remember huge quantities of written material. She’s like some sort of massive book sponge. As such, Alicia is an excellent book resource. She has clued me into a whole heap of books that have far exceeded my expectations including my favorite book to date: ‘A Time Traveler’s Wife’ by Audrey Niffenegger.

Cloud Atlas is looking to compete at or above that level of awesome and I’m only about halfway through. The book is very well written. It has a complicated plot that does not feel even remotely contrived. It has a uniqueness that can be compared with House of Leaves, but an honesty that sets it apart. At times House of Leaves felt gimmicky and academic, such is not the case with Cloud Atlas. I implore you: Pick up this novel immediately!

Then we can discuss

and it will be wonderful.

3 thoughts on “A Book Resource

  • 5/5/2009 at 2:25 pm

    I really enjoy the book reviews, keep it up. I want to start this book now, but I’m halfway through Dune and it’s going to be a few weeks before I’m free to start a new book.

  • 5/21/2009 at 9:16 am

    I’ve got the book. Should be able to start reading this weekend.


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