Good morning!

Sarah T. is visiting the House of Rock this week. All was going well yesterday morning as we prepared to go out for a run together. Sarah wasn’t too thrilled about the potential of running out in the cold and so when we opened the door and she let out a whine I consoled her “once we warm up it’ll be fine.”

“noooo…..” she grimaced and pointed down at the ground in front of the door where there was, wait for it, a dead rat.

Awesome that my female guest found a dead rat at my house.

The rat isn’t completely out of place. We realized recently that we had a mouse infestation but the traps weren’t turning anything up. In fact, the traps were being man-handled by whatever huge creature was lurking in the walls of the House of Rock. We suspected rats, but we were uncertain. Then came the fateful day when Brian – oh man this is gross – killed a rat with his bare hands. Brian’s a pretty tough guy, but I guess I even underestimated how hardcore he is. He smacked it with a glove, then took it outside and (not for the squeamish) finished it with his boot.

Anyway, we’re pretty sure that was the end of the rats. Quite literally.

Hopefully, Sarah won’t find more dead rats lying around the place.

10 thoughts on “Good morning!

  • 12/17/2008 at 7:59 pm

    The end of the rats? Yeah. Until they come back for revenge.

  • 12/18/2008 at 3:08 pm

    TV says that there are these devices that plug into your wall and emit high pitched noises, which the vermin do not like.
    I cannot vouch for them though and there is that whole vampire energy cost to it….

  • 12/18/2008 at 4:10 pm

    When you first told me the story about Brian and the rat….I thought you were being facetious.

  • 12/22/2008 at 1:05 am

    2. Irenes’ speling stniks.
    3. Schenk is still crayz, but he’s totaly rite where. Cats ruel.

  • 12/22/2008 at 6:14 am

    1. Learn how to number.
    2. I can only assume you think that she spelled ‘facetious‘ incorrectly?
    Her spelling is perfect.
    3. Don’t insult other readers without first remembering THIS law.

  • 12/22/2008 at 12:30 pm

    I would have to say that in my opinion he not only remembered the law, but followed it to the letter. In fact, he expanded upon it. And Irene’s spelling IS perfect. So I can only guess that Sander is bored…or sleep-typing.

  • 12/22/2008 at 4:07 pm

    …or functionally limited in general


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