
Friends? I’m headed to Ohio again. As I find myself returning again and again, I can’t help but be reminded of this comic by NatalieDee.

This Ohio trip will be followed by another Ohio trip on the Friday after Thanksgiving. I’ll be there into December, returning for weekends of class and then returning to Ohio for weeks of labor. It’s not all bad. At least it’s a short flight to Ohio and the weather hasn’t been terrible. It’s a clean facility and it’s not overwhelming on the nerves. What I dislike most are all those days spent away from home.

Rock has suffered the most. I’ve picked up my PRS about three times in the last two months. I realized this on the drive to work this morning as I happened to pass the drummer of the band on the highway. I’m certain it was him. Few others drive jacked up pickup trucks covered in Transformer and Van Halen decals. His truck is truly legendary.

Kung Fu and Climbing are next on the cast aside list. My poor attendance became especially evident on Monday when I went to Kung Fu and found myself notably winded.

Thankfully in December I’ll be taking all sorts of vacation time. I’m excited about that. It will be pretty awesome.

3 thoughts on “Ohio.

  • 11/13/2008 at 5:21 pm

    I’m starting to think that EVERYONE I KNOW EVER is having a hell of a November, but then that same everyone is going to have like six weeks off in December.

  • 11/13/2008 at 10:26 pm

    Mike D – if it’s any consolation (and I bet it’s not), I’m already in Ohio, been here since Monday, and won’t be out until December.
    I find some consolation knowing you’re still fatter than me.

    *SIGH* It’s not easy being orange juice flavored mouth wash.

  • 11/14/2008 at 3:09 am

    I think maybe Novembers are supposed to be angsty? It seems like the angstiest of months. Maybe you should make one of those construction paper chains to count down days until December. You know, the kind where you cut off a link every day? That would be fun!

    And I’m pretty sure you and Sander are both fatter than me.


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