
Although I’ve been struggling with sleep lately, last night saw some decent shut-eye. I was really hoping for some sweet dreams as I drifted off. I even tried to jump start good dreams by trying to fall asleep thinking of awesome things. Instead, I dreamed that I was working in the stock room at work. Hold on to your socks folks. Whew! Pretty much a thriller there.

Nothing happened in the dream. I just had to keep picking parts for the assemblers. It was pretty slow paced and pretty darn insignificant. No kung fu aliens. No herding of veloceraptors. No beautiful women giving massages. Just me and a whole bunch of small metal components that I could put into various boxes. It wasn’t even rushed. My deadline was way out there. I could pick parts at whatever speed I wanted.

Come on Subconscious. You can do waaaay better than that.

4 thoughts on “Sleep

  • 11/6/2008 at 9:26 am

    blah blah blah boring. More importantly, what are you eating at the buffet? and how much. I bet you a dollar you can’t eat 20 pieces of bacon. thats right. Called out on the WORLD WIDE WEB! Everyone will now know you can’t eat 20 pieces of bacon.

  • 11/6/2008 at 10:15 am

    Maybe your life is so exciting your subconscious is trying to compensate

  • 11/6/2008 at 11:51 am

    That dream sounds so boring you could fall asleep in the middle of it. That would be weird.

  • 11/6/2008 at 12:39 pm

    That’s weak. You should try eating at a burrito right before you go to bed. That always seems to supercharge my subconscious, and it’s delicious.


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