Weekend Update

After the mayhem of last week’s classes, the weekend was truly a welcome relief. Friday night I zipped home after class for Saturday’s big event. That big event being Jon Abad and Emily Abad’s wedding party. It was well attended and the crowd was wonderful. It’s always a joy hanging out with the WPI folks. Kurt was wearing his snazzy new hat, Tim and Ian had their snazzy new motorcycles, and Jon had his snazzy new wife. Congrats Jon!

That night I spent some time with my folks and grabbed dinner with Chef Sarah. And then stayed up too late playing fantastic contraption. (WARNING: DO NOT PLAY. EVER.)

On Sunday I drove back to CT. Around three I went to Vivienne’s place. We baked cupcakes, watched IRON MAN, and then ate some Indian food. Vivienne’s kitchen… gad zooks. It was disgustingly well stocked. The kitchen is graced with two fridges and three freezers, all bursting with fullness. There were cupboards everywhere full of both common and completely uncommon foodstuffs. A truly remarkable place.

And all that leads up to this morning. I’m sitting at Bradley airport waiting for my plane to start loading (6am departure). For whatever reason, the airport is playing polka music. Adding polka to an already draining scenario, like travel, is really pretty strange. It’s kind of like a weird Disney movie.

8 thoughts on “Weekend Update

  • 10/7/2008 at 12:53 pm

    Wow, I love that game. I’d love to see how your contraptions, as a qualified engineer type, compared to mine. Mine are very much in a brute-force, if it works it’s a good idea, not at all elegant style. E.G. I just had a battering ram thing that took about 30 seconds to shove its way through the level “The Wall”.

  • 10/7/2008 at 2:15 pm

    Right, I’m stuck on the “Big Ball” level. Any tips?

  • 10/7/2008 at 4:19 pm

    Took me about 5 minutes but I got it. I made a car with 4 wheels rotating clockwise, and on the front of the car but held off of the ground is a wheel rotating counterclockwise. I then hung the block underneath this front nose/wheel. The car runs into the big ball and the front counterclockwise wheel rolls the ball up the wall and then sneaks underneath it delivering the block to the winning area.

  • 10/7/2008 at 10:42 pm

    Is that a TOUCH SCREEN COMPUTER?!?!?!

  • 10/8/2008 at 11:02 am

    I’m an engineer, and several of mine have been brute force (although Mission to Mars was the exact opposite). You should have the tank I built to get through the avalanche in Awash.

  • 10/9/2008 at 3:38 pm

    The game is fascinating, but I can’t get past Mission to Mars. I just can’t figure it out.

  • 10/14/2008 at 12:33 pm

    I played the Fantastic Contraption last night for an hour till my computer crashed (it likes doing that recently). I got up to level 10.

    I gave it to my high school classes for homework tonight.


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