Outside of my lingering sickness which continues to linger today, Thanksgiving was pretty sweet. The food was unstoppable and it was super wild to see the whole family.
Alicia gets married in a week, so much of the conversation was centered around final wedding plans. I got to show off my new guitar and did some fun piano/guitar rock songs with my sisters.
I hope yours was as wonderful as mine. Happy Thanksgiving!
I we said we’d try to get together over Thanksgiving and here it is!!
Check your “regular” e-mail for attachments (can you do these in a blog??).
Let me know if you can spare some time to get together.
Hey Dr. S!
Hope things are going well for you at your new post.
Didn’t know you were lurking around this corner of the interweb.
Mike D – give my salutations to Paul if he doesn’t receive this reply!