
After Irene’s message yesterday commenting on how she’d love to have a tattoo that somehow incorporated her love of music with her love of DNA stuff… Jesse and I got started in MSPaint to see what sort of ideas we could come up with.

THIS is my MSPaint canvas showing my ideas and some progression.

I’m not sure any of these are quite tattoo worthy, but it gets the mind going on ideas. The one on the far right is my favorite… but it’s bland. I’m not sure what could be done to make it a little more colorful and vibrant.

7 thoughts on “MSPainting

  • 8/10/2007 at 9:29 am

    lol, DNA ROCKS… very subtle

  • 8/10/2007 at 10:08 am

    What about this: You make a guitar but the strings are DNA Strands.

    I like the Piano keys onejsut the way it is. Subtle on the science but pretty obvious for the music. Only the true nerds would know what its trying to convey.

  • 8/10/2007 at 10:43 am

    I really like the piano keys one as well. These are such good ideas, I’m getting so excited!

    Haha..DNA rocks, nice.

  • 8/10/2007 at 2:09 pm

    that one on the far right is pretty sweet!

  • 8/10/2007 at 3:38 pm

    yeah the piano keys look awesome…until you move 5 feet away and it looks like a tapeworm…actually all of these look semi-parasitic. outside of that though, what if you made the ends of the keys/genome thing a different color for contrast? still looks a little tapewormey, but with contrast!

  • 8/10/2007 at 4:07 pm

    I love the keyboard double helix! DNA ROCKS takes silver.


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