Two anonymous individuals are going to start answering your Advice questions on Similar to Defy McQuaid, except more opinionated, more advice column, and less science.

All this will Start Next Thursday!! So submit your questions today in the comments of this post!

Our team of anonymous advice columnists will surely impress you with their intelligence and common sense.

10 thoughts on “NEW FEATURE!

  • 3/31/2006 at 11:17 am

    I smell a challenge to my authority.

  • 3/31/2006 at 11:45 am

    who could possibly challenge such authority?

    Outside of format, comparing Defy McQuaid with Anon Advice would be like comparing Mybusters with Ask Abby. Totally different approaches and executions.

  • 3/31/2006 at 11:49 am

    Not a challenge, more of someone paying homage. I mean, MikeD has seen how awesome you rock, and has decided make a spinoff on you. Kinda like how friends was supremely succesful and to try and make even more money they tried Joey. Will the new section be as wildly succesful as DSMQ (Defy Shaun McQuaid, for the accronym deprived). No. Will it burn and get cancelled after one season (I translate 1 season of TV time to 1 month of MikeD time). Yes. So don’t worry Shaun. I think your throne of gold is safe as it is right now.

  • 3/31/2006 at 4:50 pm

    I’m not terribly worried. Just trolling for support, really.

    In any case, any comparison of my work to MythBusters is only a good thing.

  • 3/31/2006 at 4:51 pm

    Seems like you want personal advice more than technical knowledge, yes? For example, Kurt could ask Shaun:

    Does my enormous, fat head tend to sink or float in the great salt lake?

    Where as this seems more like:

    People make fun of my fat head, how can I lessen the laughter that my pudgy cranium causes.

    Fat Headed in Fitchburg

  • 3/31/2006 at 5:23 pm

    Roslindale ben….I live in Roslindale.

  • 4/5/2006 at 12:38 pm

    I’m so glad there is an advice column now – there is something which has been worrying me for a long time and I have had no one to consult until now.

    A family member has become so engrossed in a video game that he excludes nearly everything else, even the family he once loved. Before The Game, he was a cheerful and cooperative member of the household; now, he spends all his time in the basement, the glow of the monitor illuminating his pale face and long hair. Yes, even his hygiene has reached a new low since the arrival of The Game. He is surly and refuses to pause The Game to talk to the people he once loved. I am very concerned. Not only do I miss his company, but I fear he is inhabiting a world in which he will never find true happiness. How can I suggest he cut back or stop playing The Game in a way to which he will be receptive? I fear that he will not stop playing long enough to hear my concerns, and that even if he did, The Game has such a hold on him that he may be lost forever. Please help, I am greatly appreciative.


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