back in black again

I’m extremely excited this morning because I believe my schedule has returned to normal. Last night I put the final touches on my car and then went to a stellar guitar lesson and kung fu practice. Two things that I have not been able to devote much time to over the past few weeks. With the Acclaim back in perfect working order I will be able to start capitalizing on extracurricular activities once again.

Speaking of which, let’s talk cooking. This past Sunday Tom & Mykal entertained Mandy and I with some homemade raviolis, freshly baked bread, and delicious chai tea* and kool aids. We cooked, played Niagra (great game), and had an overall great time. While cooking we came up with an idea.

For a while now the Culinary Circle has been working independently trying to share recipes and enjoy delicious food. In March, we are going to join together to form a Culinary Squat Team and we are going to make a 5 course meal that will leave you dead or nearly dead from taste sensory overload. We don’t yet have a Name for said event. Please feel free to leave suggestions in the comments. Perhaps The First Annual Taste Sensory Overload?

Each Culinary Circle member (Theresa, Tom, Mykal, me, Jon) will be in charge of one of the 5 courses. It’s going to be at the House of Rock. we’re not yet sure of the date… but we’re thinking March. It will be of heroic proportions.

*Updated with Mykal’s spelling correction

10 thoughts on “back in black again

  • 2/15/2006 at 8:24 am

    F.A.T. – Food Aattacking Tastebuds

  • 2/15/2006 at 10:32 am

    Is there anything you DON’T find out via the internet?

    Yup. I forgot to tell you about this. In fact, I even SIGNED YOU UP without asking you. This is why I am awarding myself the “loser friend of February” award. My apologies.

    So… do you want to participate? I think it would be awesome.

  • 2/15/2006 at 1:58 pm

    The location of Carmen Sandiego is one of the few things that the internet has not told me.

    Will there be a theme ingredient or other common flavor thread?
    If so, I’m in.

  • 2/15/2006 at 2:51 pm

    Just a note, it is chai tea (or masala chai in all indian). Sadly we’ve nearly finished up the batch I made Sunday.

  • 2/15/2006 at 2:54 pm

    I think we do need at least a general theme so everything melds together a bit. I think a theme would or flavor thread is a better idea than ingrident.
    I think we might just want to have people throw out ideas for what they want to make and then have everything else fit around the most exciting idea.

  • 2/15/2006 at 2:59 pm

    The original name idea, ” First Annual Taste Sensory Overload” already spells FATSO


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