Maneki Neko (a.k.a. arsenio hall)

At a yankee swap I happened to unwrap Kurt’s gift: a small gold cat that waves its hand continuously. It was dubbed Arsenio because its raised hand motion kind of looks like Arsenio Hall’s classic hand motion.

It’s actually a Maneki Neko Cat. which according to legend, beckons people and good fortune depending on which arm is waving. Mine is going left hand style, which means it’s more for people than good fortune.

I took the cat to work, and it sits on my cabinet waving furiously. Every once in awhile I catch the motion of its arm with the corner of my eye and I get startled. Just about everyone who comes in looks at it and asks “is there a battery in there?”

It just keeps waving and waving. It’s waving right now… as you read this.

it’s kind of creepy.

7 thoughts on “Maneki Neko (a.k.a. arsenio hall)

  • 1/18/2005 at 4:27 pm

    any pics for your audience? or links to a site with info on said waving cat?

  • 1/18/2005 at 4:34 pm

    that’s close, except mine is blaringly gold. I’ll see what I can do about a photo.

  • 1/18/2005 at 9:19 pm

    how about a paint drawing instead.

  • 1/18/2005 at 11:23 pm

    i’m shocked that there wasn’t one included already.


  • 1/19/2005 at 8:43 am

    This is an EXTREMELY accurate representation of the Arsenio. The only thing I really wasn’t able to convey was the reflectivity of his surface. Appreciate the majesty. (expand window for maximum detail)

    If anyone knows Japanese and can translate my paint representation of the lettering on Arsenio’s plaque, please let me know.

  • 1/20/2005 at 3:06 pm

    by far the best Yankee Swap Gift Ever. You can’t beat a gift that beckons good fortune to you.


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