
Of all the foods I’ve tried, it is Korean cuisine that I can’t yet appreciate.

I am currently working on the South East end of the Korean peninsula about a four hour drive from Seoul. A typical lunch for the workers here consists of a pile of white sticky rice, various vegetables covered in brine and hot chili peppers, kimchi, a meat and a soup. It’s that brine-esque, pickled vegetable stuff that I haven’t yet learned to love. and it is EVERYWHERE. 50% of most meal options are sprinkled with hot&spicy ocean flavor spices.

Yesterday, the Koreans that I’m working with requested a pizza party. So we bought them Pizzas from their favorite locale: Dominoes.

Korean Dominoes should be classified as local cuisine. Two of the pizzas had mayonaise on them, another had shrimp and unidentified yellow cubes. Squash? I’m not sure. You’d think I would be all over that mayo pizza, but I couldn’t move myself to try it.

I will be here until the 28th.


During the superbowl season, one of the guys here at work had his NYGiants Rally Monkey stuffed toy abducted by a Patriots fan. The resulting fallout was hilarious and included, amongst other things, various photoshopped Monkey football pictures and a new company e-mail account for Monkey. While the superbowl drama subsided, Monkey’s e-mail remains fairly active. Every once in awhile Monkey sends out an e-mail of encouragement or harmless mockery.

This week, I’ve been working hard to complete a few critical customer proposals. It’s tedious work that requires a lot of back and forth with the bosses. This morning, one of my bosses sent the following email:

To: Company President, Mike D, and Monkey.

Mike D

As you have experienced some difficulty this week completing the quotes, I am requesting Monkey manage this process to closure. Please provide Monkey any resources or assistance he may require.

Monkey’s reply to all:

Mike D: I’m glad to help. I can get this done.

As for resources please provide for me a carton of noisemakers, 4 binder clips, a sombrero and Tony Danza.


Oh Monkey. You’re so crazy.