Skyline 28!

A whole handful of people successfully identified the satellite image as Fort Bourtange in the Netherlands. I guess I forgot that people may have already found it from the copenhagen contest. No matter! Great job to those that remembered where to find it!!

Sadly no one identified the skyline. So the anonymous curious internet person will have to find another way to find the skyline. Ahh well. Sorry Internet Friend!!

This week we have two good looking images.

First, the skyline.


second, the satellite.


Your job is to identify either or both. Good luck!


A number of people recognized the satellite image of the Taj Mahal. Kurt grabbed it first though. Good job Kurt!

The skyline was Brighton, England. It was taken by Roland and I thought it would be unlikely if anyone had caught it. Except maybe Ben… I wasn’t sure if he had been to Brighton. Good job to the scientific searchers!

Let’s get right into the next challenge.

The skyline this week appears to be the cover of this band’s CD. I got an e-mail from another Mike D. asking if I believed my readers would be able to identify it. It’s going to be tough because it looks kind of arbitrary. But on the right hand side there appears to be some sort of distinct building. Discuss!


Good luck!

Skyline 25!

There were a handful of people who successfully identified Disney as the satellite image. Jesse was the only one to submit a guess for the skyline. And he was correct. The answer was indeed Riomaggiore which is a small city in Italy one of the five cities of Cinque Terre. Special thanks to UUIG for providing that skyline.

Let’s proceed to this week’s challenge.



Your goal is to identify both.

Good luck!