Diving & Bathrooms

In Kung Fu on Wednesday we did break falling and rolls. These classes rarely treat me well. Typically we’ll set up some mats and take turns diving and falling to the ground. I have a high tendency to tense up my neck when practicing this and the result is extreme soreness. Even today, two days later, it hurts to rotate my head. I’m sure once I get the maneuvers down I’ll loosen up a bit.

So much about Kung Fu requires looseness. Many of the wrist grabs and pressure point stuff can’t be completed if you try and throw in some muscle.

It can be frustrating.

In House news, I’ve finally completed the work on the downstairs bathroom. It took well over two weeks of restructuring, painting, caulking, and cleaning. I’m mostly pleased with the result – though the tub is stained and I’m not sure how to clean it. Anyone have any surefire methods to shine up a tub?

Dishwashers and Finals.

I installed a dishwasher yesterday. It went… okay. I have a bit more plumbing I need to do (replacement of a leaking valve with a ball valve)… but we’re really close. And it’s currently fully plumbed and will clean dishes nicely.

It’s pretty exciting having a new appliance like that. I’m debating whether or not I should consider this as the Appliance of 2007. For the past three years I’ve been buying myself an appliance.

2004: Rice Cooker
2005: Dyson
2006: Kitchen Aid Mixer

And while the dishwasher certainly will get tons of use and make my life easier, it’s almost more of a house improvement then it is a personal thing. And someday when I move out, I’ll leave the dishwasher behind.

In other news, I had my final MBA class of the school year on Saturday. Unfortunately, there’s a take home exam that isn’t due for another week. This is annoying because we really only get a few weeks off from class each year, and this take home is essentially extending the semester.


This weekend was non-stop action that was focused mainly around Jesse’s wedding. It was a great get together on Saturday and, from a guest’s perspective, things went very smoothly. I’ve been working on a picture/video montage of sorts that will be appearing in the feature section within the next day or two.

The excitement of the wedding was immediately followed by my purchase of a gas powered 26cc four stroke weed whacker of fury. This was the first time I’ve used a gas powered weed whacker… and the thing is intense. It is so powerful that after one use the splattered remains of the House of Rock’s weeds were fused into the grain structure of my jeans. AND with the change out of a single bolt, the 16″ nylon cutting swath can be replaced with three metal blades of slaughter. Blades so powerful that they can take down inch thick tree trunks without a second glance.

The only downside is that earplugs are most definitely required. Really? it’s a small price to pay for wielding a weed tool of total destruction.