Scrabble Gold

As many of you Scrabble aficionados know, proper nouns are not allowed in Scrabble. What might come as a surprise however is that chemical elements (molybdenum, uranium, oxygen) are not proper nouns. In fact, words like these are referred to by Willy van Langendonck* as appellative mass nouns meaning common nouns that can be measured without unit specification (ex. money).

This means that you can use the names of elements in Scrabble. If someone has the word SCAN on the board, then heck yes you should proudly add DIUM at the end. In fact, go one step further and feel confident in pluralizing it and taking that triple word score. Take that triple word score and take the lead. And if someone calls you on it, then you raise your chin high, get yourself over to, and as you type SCANDIUMS into their online dictionary, breath calm because you will win this fight. You will win this game!

Periodic Table + Scrabble = Awesome

*An excerpt from his book, if you’re interested

*Wikipedia article on Mass Nouns

Work is whoa.

I apologize for the lack of updates. Work is really crazy this week. Yesterday I put in a 16 hour day, and today might rival it – though if we’re lucky we’ll be out at a reasonable hour tonight. The hours, though crazy, have been way fun. We’re doing some extremely helpful tests this week which could boost our product offering dramatically. The testing requires some pretty hardcore equipment and extensive data acquisition. Each test run consists of a few hours of prep work and then 5 minutes of pure action.

I think this is one of my favorite parts of engineering, the point where you can confirm your radical ideas with huge equipment, complicated rig-ups, and tons of excel programs.

Three cheers for Science!


Alicia e-mailed me a hilarious musical… experience (?)… that my sisters and I put together a few years ago using my guitar and a weird little ‘learn the solar system’ toy that my folks got for me as an ironic Christmas present. I think I may have posted about it when we first completed it, but I can’t find the link – so here’s a refresh.


It’s weird and fun.

Interestingly, Jupiter actually has 63 moons, not 16. Also, I love the desperate scream of ‘Saturn!’ in the midst of the Saturn harmony.