T-shirts = complete

braziltshirt.PNGLast night Shamus and I completed the last of the t-shirts for his martial arts academy. Holy moly it was a lot of work, I think we probably invested a good 40-50 hours on the project. We also put quite a few dollars into the project. Shamus spent about $170 of his t-shirt income to buy screens, hardware, putty, and inks. I spent about half that on new emulsions, construction supplies, and fabric. But now that the setup is built, the maintenance costs will be minimal and the resulting t-shirts are masterful.

It may not look particularly amazing by itself, but compared to those t-shirts that first came off of our assembly line the difference is staggering. Take note of the great consistency of the colors and the alignment… oh man, the alignment is DEAD on.* I think you’d have to work on such a project like this to really appreciate the complexity in achieving an acceptable pressing tolerance.

You can’t even compare these shirts and the cupcakezilla t-shirts of a few years ago – totally different leagues. Now that I have this apparatus, four color t-shirts are fully achievable. If you have any really clever multi-color t-shirt ideas feel free to fire me an e-mail and let’s make it happen.

*”DEAD on” given the screens we used. I think I could improve the quality just slightly by adjusting the tolerances of the transparencies used to make the screens. If you have a sharp eye, you might notice the slight intentional overlap of the green over the yellow. We should have done the same of the green over the white around the flag’s perimeter – especially considering that the shirts are black.

8 thoughts on “T-shirts = complete

  • 10/28/2009 at 11:27 am

    Cupcakezilla in 4 colors. I still wear my shirt and get great compliments* on it.

    * – “What the hell is that?” or “is that muffin destroying a city?” or “How did he catch that missle?” but my favorite “Where can I get a shirt like that?”

    Can we get a little repost of the original cupcakezilla so folks can see what we are talking about please.

  • 10/28/2009 at 12:09 pm

    Holy moly, that looks awesome!

    Also, I second the cupcakezilla thing, because rumor has it your girlfriend wants one.

  • 10/28/2009 at 1:27 pm

    Why would Maggie want one of those?

  • 10/28/2009 at 1:31 pm

    What are you talking about Shaun? Maggie loves baking. Sarah’s probably referring to Jennifer or Cara though. or maybe Candice.

  • 10/28/2009 at 1:35 pm

    My apologies. There are so many that I tend to lose track.

  • 10/28/2009 at 7:37 pm

    When I’m on my date with Pierre later I’ll ask him if he wants to guess which one I meant.


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